
Workplace design is important; how your workplace looks, feels and supports you is bound to impact how well you will work and how efficient you will be. But office design is also important for a less obvious reason; when done right, the design of your workspace gives you the chance to convey who you are and to tell your story.


It’s an emerging trend that is most likely here to stay; the well branded and integrated workspace. According to Work Design Magazine, “A well-branded, integrated workplace can tell a story about who the company is, what they do and why it matters.” All of that is becoming increasingly important in a world as connected as ours. Businesses can no longer get away with great prices and decent customer service. They need to have a distinct identity that will make them stand out amongst competition. Workplace design, while just one part of a company’s identity, can go a long way when it comes to establishing the company culture, inspiring workers and shaping customer perspective.

In order to create a design that reflects and tells your business’s story, it is important to have the following:


Supportive Furniture in the Right Style


When it comes to design, ensure that your furniture fits the bill and that it supports your brand’s image. Furniture is available in so many different styles, ranging from the richly traditional to the sleekly modern, and your selection impacts the tone and feel of your space.


Tastefully Branded Items


While you will want to avoid slapping your logo all over everything, it is important to incorporate your brand periodically in small ways or all at once in a large way. The Harley Davidson Headquarters in Milwaukee is a great example of including tastefully branded items that fit with the vision of the company.


Creative Spaces


This doesn’t mean that you have to have a ping pong table in the break room. It just means that your office should offer something unique to your company and maybe even to your industry. These spaces should also reflect the identity of your brand and be helpful to workers by offering them spaces to relax, unwind and collaborate with coworkers.


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